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Due to COVID-19, our Annual Gala has been transitioned to an online silent auction.

From 9am 4/23 thru 9pm 5/1, you can bid on your favorite auction items, or donate directly to the foundation.  Track your bids from your mobile device, and receive text notification if you have been outbid.

Thank you for your continued support.

Click the link below to get started!

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To provide financial assistance to families as they walk through the journey of a life-threatening illness, and allow them to shift their focus away from life’s distractions and onto the only thing that matters: the health and well being of their child.

Home: Who We Are


The Holland family started the foundation after their 5-year-old son Conner was diagnosed with Leukemia in January of 2010. He went through chemotherapy treatments, and like an adult cancer patient suffered all the terrible side effects from his medication. On September 4, 2011, Conner lost his battle with cancer.

In the midst of their grief, they started a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the hopes of helping others thru their own battles with pediatric cancer.  The generous support of our donor community allows us to provide financial support to families across the nation that have been reduced to a single income or worse in order to meet the treatment demands of this terrible disease.  Mortgages, rent, electric and travel expenses are just a few of the financial obstacles we are able to eliminate as they care for their family.

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“I cannot express into words how much the help from your foundation has helped our family at a time when our world was turned upside down and ripped apart. Your support helped alleviate things that we never saw coming. From the bottom of a thankful father’s heart, thank you.”  ~ Del Campbell


“The last 5 weeks have been hard on our family as our 9-month-old son, Colton, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. We couldn’t have planned for something like this to happen and it’s been a huge adjustment as we take time away from our careers to care for him. Thank you, Connor M. Holland foundation, for helping alleviate the financial burden of this difficult season. Thanks to your generosity, we can focus less on how we’re going to continue to sustain our home and more on the treatment and care of our son. You have directly impacted our family so deeply and we are so thankful”
~ Jason Dietrich


“Being a one income family, the gift from the Connor M. Holland Foundation takes the worry of how we are going to keep up with our monthly bills away. Our lives went from happy to terrifying in just a few short days and both of us being able to be with Jeremiah during his treatments means the world to us. Thank you”!

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“Learning how intense her treatment would be, we knew as parents we both wanted to be there for her every step of the way.  However, as a family of 6, we were torn with how to choose between being there for Zoey and supporting the family financially.  Thanks to the support of the Conner M Holland Foundation, we don’t have to choose.  This incredible gift is more than just financial assistance… it has allowed our family to stay close during such a difficult time.  Thank you again!”


“Truly, the envelope came on the perfect day, I just sat and cried. This week has been a grueling emotional week. Its all catching up to us and things just got really hard really quick. This gift just really showed us we can do this, we will get through it. You have helped so much!! Truly, it was getting down to the wire as to how we were going to do this and this truly takes the weight off our shoulders and I can tell you all truly care about Addie”.


“We are so grateful for the help the from the Conner M. Holland Foundation.  Time to spend with our children instead of worrying over getting the extra time in at work or doing extra to save money, that is invaluable.  To be able to focus on our daughter and our other children at this time is an amazing gift and we are very thankful to you for helping our family.  I am ever so grateful and this is a beautiful way to honor Conner by helping other families.”

Home: What We Do


Special thanks to St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Penryn for their partnership in providing work and storage space to the foundation, as well as their recent pajama donation. 

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Get in touch with the Conner M Holland Foundation to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

Rebecca Stanion
Executive Director


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